Prophetic Activation!

Here is a list of 8 names. Your task is to pick one of the eight names below and ask God for revelation that would bless them! Each person on the list will be giving you feedback, letting you know how accurate or how relevant they feel like revelation was.

Here’s the twist! For us to get to know you a bit better and put face to name, we would like for you to record yourself prophesying to the person! Try to stretch yourself in terms of Prophetic flow, words of knowledge and clarity of communication.

Once record, make sure the video includes your full name and the name of the person you’re prophesying to. Then upload the video here :

God Bless you!!!


  1.   Ms Pinto
  2.   George
  3.   Lawrence
  4.   Susan
  5.   Alison
  6.   Josie
  7.   Elizabeth
  8.   Keira