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Emerging Prophets and Apostles

With Dr. Sharon Stone & Steve Pailthorpe

Prophetic Training

Prophetic Teaching

Prophetic Worship

Prophetic Activations


Dr. Sharon Stone

Dr. Sharon Stone has pioneered Christian International Europe over 24 years and is affectionality referred to as “Europe’s Prophet”. The first thing others say of Sharon is that she sees the best and brings out greatness in others in her travels, leaders of Ministries and Governement regularly seek consultation. But the highest tangible strength upon Dr. Sharon is her ability to raise and launch other Prophets to national and international influence!

Steve Pailthorpe

Steve Pailthorpe is an Apostolic Prophet and revivalist who has been used by God to bring the Word of the Lord to many nations across the world. His ministry is hall marked by signs and wonders and he brings a practice and dynamic approach to moving by the Spirit. He is the President of Crown Global, a Christian charity that seeks to support and strengthen future leaders. He is also a trusted advisor to businesses, government leaders and charities both in the UK and overseas. He has won multiple awards in the marketplace including the European CEO of the Year. Steve regularly speaks to leaders representing many mainstream church denominations across the world including the Salt & Light family of churches, with which he is part of. He also is the Senior Pastor of Crown Family Church in Surrey and helps to lead a growing sphere of churches across Europe.