Prophetic Counselling and Deliverance
5 Week LIVE Course via Zoom
Every Tuesday evening.
Dates: 5th September – 3rd October 2023
Time: 7:30pm (BST)
Important: Please check your email which will have details about how to join the course
I am excited to announce my new course, Prophetic Counselling and Deliverance.
Have you ever heard someone say, “I feel born again all over again”? The sensitivity and skills in this course will cause you to hear this response many times.
Through the Prophetic Counselling and Deliverance course, God and I seek to instruct you, how to operate in:
· Learning how to function in Breakthrough Revelation!
· Learning to discern the root of a problem versus the fruit of a problem.
· Discerning the solution to a situation.
· Discerning the spirit or the motive of someone’s heart.
· Learning to expose and put a stop to demonic activity.
· Learning to remove bondages, break curses and addictions.
I am looking forward to you joining me for this amazing 5-week course.
I am praying for your prophetic advancement.
Learn From the Experts
– Dr. Sharon Stone (Prophetic Voice)
– Jo Naughton:
PR director turned pastor, Jo Naughton is an international speaker and author. She is a regular guest on TV and radio shows in the US and UK, and a contributor to Christian magazines. Jo ministers with a heart-piercing anointing, sharing with great personal honesty. Her passion is to see people set free from all inner hindrances so that they can fulfil their God-given destiny. Countless people have testified to receiving powerful, life-changing emotional and spiritual healing through her ministry. Again and again, audiences share that they did not realise to what extent old issues or buried pain had been holding them back. Together with her husband Paul, Jo pastors Harvest Church London in England and they have two wonderful children, Ben and Abby. Jo runs a transformational ministry called Healed for Life and is the author of many life-changing books.
– Arianna Walker:
An international speaker, an author and the CEO of Mercy UK – a Christian charity committed to educating leaders, equipping individuals and empowering churches. Mercy UK runs free of charge residential homes for young women with life controlling issues, delivers pastoral leadership training days for church leaders and ‘people helpers’ and produces discipleship resources for individuals, church groups and prisons. Using real life stories and anecdotes, Arianna’s message of hope and transformation inspires Christians from all walks of life to live free and stay free.
1st session – FREE
The 1st session is open for everyone to watch as a "taster session", so that you can see
that this is for you!
The 1st free session can be watched on You Tube:
Prophetic Activation rooms via zoom, will only be open to those who purchase the
course. So, don’t delay in booking your space before the 1st FREE night, if you wish to
participate in Prophetic activations and receive prophetic words.
There will be new prophetic activations to support the unfolding of these new truths!
Important: Make sure you Opt-in to receive our emails containing important zoom
details for this course.
Cost: £99.00 (This may be the 1 st and last time you hear this quality of teaching and
impartation from this group of prophetic experts.)
Book your space now!
Time difference – Other Nations
What if I can’t always attend the Zoom course live?
Click on the following helpful link, to see the time difference in your nation.
Attending this LIVE course (via Zoom) is highly recommended so that you can benefit
from the Prophetic activations in the Zoom rooms.
However, if you miss any of the sessions, you will be able to catch up with the teaching
on your Prophetic Voice account.
Come journey with me!
Dr. Sharon Stone